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Agendaless - Transmission #8

"Convent Walls"

Just a quick update to say we’re still very much here, we’re just enjoying taking a little break from online stuff for a bit. Twitter is such a shithole, isn’t it? It’s a shame because there’s such a good music community there, it’s just that the other horrible stuff is so pervasive and toxic. Elon makes me want to fucking puke and his face is inescapable on there. I’m just finding that space not at all enjoyable.

But for real life band stuff, we’ve been busy writing songs and getting ready for some studio recording days in November for The Pretty Flowers album number 3. More than half the songs that will be on the album we’ve played live quite a bit, but 4 or 5 are very new. I feel like in the last few months I’ve written more songs than any other period of time in my life and that’s exciting. Sometimes I can tag our songs as having another brother or sister song, but these new ones are not really like that, which feels cool. Cousins, maybe?

The band also recorded an oddball thing the other weekend, something that is, for the time being, top secret. We’ll share details when/if we can.

We don’t have any shows booked through the end of 2024. Maybe something cool will come up before then, but as of now nothing’s on the books.

With that, I’ll leave you with a new song called “Convent Walls.” This song shares a title with a Triffids song, which I love dearly, but there are no similarities other than that. Those words just sound good together to my ears. Mostly the song is about escape and the importance of music in one’s life.


Noah / The Pretty Flowers

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Agendaless - The Pretty Flowers
The Pretty Flowers